Finding Calm

Our little wilderness group found something rare on a huge lake. Calm. Perfectly still water. I have never seen this lake calm. This lake always wants to eat canoes. Usually when navigating these waters we are focused on the next wave, one wave at a time and no time to look around and actually see.Continue reading “Finding Calm”

Gone and it’s OK

My juggling act came to an end this May. Probably for awhile. I’m 300 blog notifications behind and I am spending most of my time outdoors. I will be somewhere between mowing the lawn, planting garden, finishing up our little cabin in the woods and being in a canoe in the wilderness. I have intentionallyContinue reading “Gone and it’s OK”

It’s Picnic Season

Spring is not officially recognized in our family until we can have an picnic. I guess it was up to me to find the fire pit, check and make sure fires wouldn’t spread and burn down the forest and make the picnic table presentable. My pictures prove it. Spring has come to northern Minnesota!! MyContinue reading “It’s Picnic Season”

Combined Beauty pageant

Sunday thought: God combined fall and winter. I think He loves creative beauty and wants us to enjoy those moments. Even the micro fleeting beauty of a reflection in a raindrop can be enjoyed should we pause to do so. A pause to enjoy gives us pause to delve deeper into who our creator isContinue reading “Combined Beauty pageant”


We innocently start with “I wonder what it would be like to…?” A match, somewhere in the corner of the brain is lit, and sooner than later the fuse. A path mysteriously appears toward…, and whala. About that “whala”. It’s harder and bigger than we thought. I’m saying “we” because I am hoping I’m notContinue reading “Progressions”

Old Story Still True

We often know a person (we think) through their writing. Like many, I probably disclose myself in small measured doses through my writing as most of us reveal without even knowing it. I had forgot about this old post. Jack Flacco of pointed me back to a lot of memories from an old postContinue reading “Old Story Still True”

A Good Interruption Solution?

I freely admit that I don’t mind most interruptions. I plan for them. If I don’t get one I make one myself. Not on purpose mind you, it must be a subliminal signal from within when the light turns green and it’s time. Most of you do it too (I hope someone can relate!?) ItContinue reading “A Good Interruption Solution?”

Cabin Fever Withdrawal

Expectations and reality. A good example of what it isn’t was sent to me by a friend who is getting a bit off kilter. “Day 12 without chocolate; lost hearing in left eye”. I passed it on to another friend who said “That’s it exactly!” I sent them both a number to call for aContinue reading “Cabin Fever Withdrawal”

Picture a Ping Pong Spring

Right now we are on the “pong.” for the 11th time. Last night the weatherman drew a big circle around our area on the northern Minnesota with a “to be determined” announcement as the time approaches. If this…then that type statements gave me a ray of hope for that profession. I have to admit, honestyContinue reading “Picture a Ping Pong Spring”

What Do You want?

I hope this helps the comment section of your own blog posts Turning from the newspaper touting the spring and summer clothing lines and swimwear “now in a store near you”, I glanced outside and muttered to Buddy the dog, “They sure don’t know what I want.” Buddy just whined and looked out the patioContinue reading “What Do You want?”