Looking To See

It’s finally spring here in Northern Minnesota, as of this week. The budded trees finally gave way to leaves bursting out. One day the trees have only buds, and the next day there are leaves. While the fourth rain of the month was coming down, the brown grass was suddenly green. All kinds of songbirdsContinue reading “Looking To See”

Winter Wonder Wander

Mesmerized, I watch the millions of snowflakes fall. I hurry as they will soon cover the frost covered, well everything outside. It’s impossible to protect the camera as the wind is swirling. It is barely above zero on the Fahrenheit scale. My numb fingers change out the batteries. The snow lets up as I getContinue reading “Winter Wonder Wander”

Finding Calm

Our little wilderness group found something rare on a huge lake. Calm. Perfectly still water. I have never seen this lake calm. This lake always wants to eat canoes. Usually when navigating these waters we are focused on the next wave, one wave at a time and no time to look around and actually see.Continue reading “Finding Calm”

Shaping the Slow Edge

There’s a place where my zero to 60 lifestyle each day simmers down to almost nil for a week at a time. I personally need an edge and speed doesn’t do it. This is me I’m talking about. Your place to slow down, regroup, recover (or however you say it) and recharge your life isContinue reading “Shaping the Slow Edge”

Life in the edges

Edges. We are drawn there. Shorelines, sunrises and sets, mountain peaks, field and woods edges, seasonal changes/overlaps. Edges make life exciting. We want to live on the edge, Okay, some more than others. We celebrate edges. Births, birthdays, first day of schools and lasts of every kind and species of edge draw us. News edges,Continue reading “Life in the edges”

Navigating Winds Seasons

Clattering branches snows lost in thought shifting blame winds of the soul I’m waiting for Spring. Wanting another season. Nature says not yet. Gary  But you, O Lord, know me; you see me, and test my heart toward you. Jeremiah 12:3a, ESV

28,000 Word Frost Collection

Click any picture for enlarging and slide show People have this crazy ability to live as if there is no God. Nature cannot. Gary A picture can be worth a thousand words or more. I’ll add a couple links. I see Cindy used the same header picture as me today and here verse goes alongContinue reading “28,000 Word Frost Collection”

Tis The Season

What’s in the air? aside from the crazy chickadee (below). This time of year really does test us in so many ways. When I think of these pictures, I see captions of people I know. Maybe you do as well. Enjoy a few winter shots from my back yard. We as readers and writers areContinue reading “Tis The Season”

Nature Reaching and Preaching

Stepping outside before daylight a couple days ago an eerie feeling came over me. I couldn’t place it until later in the day. I stood beside the lake and it was completely froze over. Silence. All was quiet. The last two weeks the lake was full of very noisy swans, geese, ducks and some cranesContinue reading “Nature Reaching and Preaching”

North Country Spring

I realized it was spring this morning when I looked out the window and saw patches of ground growing in the snow. Five squirrels ran by the woods edge as one of them was saying he remembers where he buried some nuts. The lake ice is holding all the snow melt so I had toContinue reading “North Country Spring”