
I have been outside this summer except when in caregiver mode. I believe I’m hundreds of emails behind and wish to at least touch base with all you great bloggers and readers. I get to read a few blogs about every other day and sacrifice the interaction which is the best part of being aContinue reading “Outside”

Shaping the Slow Edge

There’s a place where my zero to 60 lifestyle each day simmers down to almost nil for a week at a time. I personally need an edge and speed doesn’t do it. This is me I’m talking about. Your place to slow down, regroup, recover (or however you say it) and recharge your life isContinue reading “Shaping the Slow Edge”


We innocently start with “I wonder what it would be like to…?” A match, somewhere in the corner of the brain is lit, and sooner than later the fuse. A path mysteriously appears toward…, and whala. About that “whala”. It’s harder and bigger than we thought. I’m saying “we” because I am hoping I’m notContinue reading “Progressions”

A Good Interruption Solution?

I freely admit that I don’t mind most interruptions. I plan for them. If I don’t get one I make one myself. Not on purpose mind you, it must be a subliminal signal from within when the light turns green and it’s time. Most of you do it too (I hope someone can relate!?) ItContinue reading “A Good Interruption Solution?”

BWCA Adventure Expectations

I really should leave the page blank as one should embark on a wilderness adventure with no expectations. With expectations at zero and something memorable happens, it’s always a surprise. Being it was not my first trip, I had some expectation baggage, but being human I pretend to have no baggage. I no sooner steppedContinue reading “BWCA Adventure Expectations”

Really Living

I saw the bear coming in the almost dark wilderness campsite. My small band of teenagers I was leading through a long canoe route in the BWCA Wilderness had spotted him and booked it for camp a few seconds ago. I ran and grabbed the camera turning on the strobe flash hoping for a goodContinue reading “Really Living”

Invasive Maneuvers

Yesterday I wanted to invade another world. I meticulously planned it out (that means I finally found my go pro camera) and gathered my ice fishing stuff together for the invasion. I needed drilling equipment (ice auger) to penetrate the barrier to the underworld. I needed a stick(I cut a thick willow stick), line (veryContinue reading “Invasive Maneuvers”

Bring Your (Good) Camera

Yes, I totally understand if you skip my ramblings and go straight to the pictures. Life Lessons: Learned the easy way. I have a brother who claims he has learned most of the painful life lessons by watching his older brothers and then not doing that. The skeptic in me highly doubts that, even thoughContinue reading “Bring Your (Good) Camera”

Cold Cold Hands

“Grandpa, my hands are cold and I can’t find my gloves” said a small whimpering six year old voice behind me. I laid down my ice fishing auger and turned to see two little bare red hands extended out to me in the freezing temperatures. No gloves, 100 yards away from the semi-warm fish house,Continue reading “Cold Cold Hands”

One Cast, Two Fish Story

Its not often a fish is caught on the first cast. Two fish with one cast is, well, unusual and has the makings of another fish tale. This one is special as it’s one of dad’s oft fished lakes. It’s still hard to think that while I was fishing, dad was taking his last breaths.Continue reading “One Cast, Two Fish Story”