Looking To See

It’s finally spring here in Northern Minnesota, as of this week. The budded trees finally gave way to leaves bursting out. One day the trees have only buds, and the next day there are leaves. While the fourth rain of the month was coming down, the brown grass was suddenly green. All kinds of songbirdsContinue reading “Looking To See”

Christmas Presence

He waited by the door. It was a habit developed over the years. Dad would go outside, start the car to warm up in the cold weather, then wait inside the door for mom on these special occasions. Several of the kids and their families left while he waited patiently. Caught up in the festivitiesContinue reading “Christmas Presence”

Last Autumn Gasp

Autumns Beauty in colored foliage is coming to an end where I live. I am the one gasping as a wind gust removes a hundred leaves to flutter. Up till now they have merrily waved at me all summer through life’s winds. Most of those children are gone, and I once again feel a littleContinue reading “Last Autumn Gasp”

Life in the edges

Edges. We are drawn there. Shorelines, sunrises and sets, mountain peaks, field and woods edges, seasonal changes/overlaps. Edges make life exciting. We want to live on the edge, Okay, some more than others. We celebrate edges. Births, birthdays, first day of schools and lasts of every kind and species of edge draw us. News edges,Continue reading “Life in the edges”

Seeing is Believing Maybe Sometimes

I feel quite little, as in small, as I am watching tons of snow falling out of the sky here in Minnesota. Forecasters giddy with bad news have predicted 12-24 inches in the next couple of days. At the present rate nonstop it will double that (I have faith in the brilliant forecasters accuracy though…_______________???).Continue reading “Seeing is Believing Maybe Sometimes”

Tis The Season

What’s in the air? aside from the crazy chickadee (below). This time of year really does test us in so many ways. When I think of these pictures, I see captions of people I know. Maybe you do as well. Enjoy a few winter shots from my back yard. We as readers and writers areContinue reading “Tis The Season”

Nature Reaching and Preaching

Stepping outside before daylight a couple days ago an eerie feeling came over me. I couldn’t place it until later in the day. I stood beside the lake and it was completely froze over. Silence. All was quiet. The last two weeks the lake was full of very noisy swans, geese, ducks and some cranesContinue reading “Nature Reaching and Preaching”

Combined Beauty pageant

Sunday thought: God combined fall and winter. I think He loves creative beauty and wants us to enjoy those moments. Even the micro fleeting beauty of a reflection in a raindrop can be enjoyed should we pause to do so. A pause to enjoy gives us pause to delve deeper into who our creator isContinue reading “Combined Beauty pageant”

Old Story Still True

We often know a person (we think) through their writing. Like many, I probably disclose myself in small measured doses through my writing as most of us reveal without even knowing it. I had forgot about this old post. Jack Flacco of https://lookingtogod.org/ pointed me back to a lot of memories from an old postContinue reading “Old Story Still True”

Picture Me This

After soaking in Mitch Teemley’s “The Unbending Beauty Of Winter” (very much worth the read as well as the great pictures), I was inspired to run outside and take a picture that might not only describe but made one feel an aspect of winter; Cold. Never mind that it was 52 degrees below the freezingContinue reading “Picture Me This”