Christmas Presence

He waited by the door. It was a habit developed over the years. Dad would go outside, start the car to warm up in the cold weather, then wait inside the door for mom on these special occasions. Several of the kids and their families left while he waited patiently. Caught up in the festivitiesContinue reading “Christmas Presence”

Raging Waters Rescue

This can’t be happening I thought She sat above the small cliff on a bold mossy rock weeping over the angry flooded river scene below. Drenched and weak from her own capsized canoe experience she knew the big man in a back eddy current was floating toward the edge and would soon be taken byContinue reading “Raging Waters Rescue”

Uncluttering: What is Where?

The picture says it all. There are thousands of “finds” in dad’s shop. Just try to find something, specific. You can, umm…eventually. This is what moving onto mom and dad’s place can be like after they are gone. Dads been gone awhile and everything here was a part of his life. I have siblings thatContinue reading “Uncluttering: What is Where?”

Smokey Shadow

When we were kids, us siblings decided to sleep overnight in the huge haymow of the barn. Sleep in the hay! yea! (insert picture of actual barn) A big yard light gave off enough light through the top of the flopped open barn door to see enough, and enough dark to sleep. Maybe. The 12Continue reading “Smokey Shadow”

Cold Cold Hands

“Grandpa, my hands are cold and I can’t find my gloves” said a small whimpering six year old voice behind me. I laid down my ice fishing auger and turned to see two little bare red hands extended out to me in the freezing temperatures. No gloves, 100 yards away from the semi-warm fish house,Continue reading “Cold Cold Hands”

By Example: The Extra Mile

I often talk about the disconnect between what we say and what we do. I want to show you an example of what one dad did for his daughters soccer team and their families. I think it’s incredible work and I also know this took many hours to produce. Don’t just say you are proudContinue reading “By Example: The Extra Mile”

Filling Dads Shoes

It’s not possible, you know, to fill dad’s shoes. Why do I even want to try? What drives one to be the hero and mentor someone else has attained to? If for no other reason than to retrace his steps or maybe to accomplish similar feats. I don’t know but it’s hard to just standContinue reading “Filling Dads Shoes”

Green Rivers

Sometimes strange things happen in life for reasons even we can figure out. I’ve asked Tracy DeMarse  (my daughter) to be a guest blogger.  You will enjoy this and please make comments below.     Green Rivers                                                                 By Tracy DeMarse Do you ever look back and notice crazy threads that somehow seem to keepContinue reading “Green Rivers”