Looking To See

It’s finally spring here in Northern Minnesota, as of this week. The budded trees finally gave way to leaves bursting out. One day the trees have only buds, and the next day there are leaves. While the fourth rain of the month was coming down, the brown grass was suddenly green. All kinds of songbirdsContinue reading “Looking To See”

Last Autumn Gasp

Autumns Beauty in colored foliage is coming to an end where I live. I am the one gasping as a wind gust removes a hundred leaves to flutter. Up till now they have merrily waved at me all summer through life’s winds. Most of those children are gone, and I once again feel a littleContinue reading “Last Autumn Gasp”

Gone and it’s OK

My juggling act came to an end this May. Probably for awhile. I’m 300 blog notifications behind and I am spending most of my time outdoors. I will be somewhere between mowing the lawn, planting garden, finishing up our little cabin in the woods and being in a canoe in the wilderness. I have intentionallyContinue reading “Gone and it’s OK”

Nibbles and Sips Storm-sided

40 hours ago I tilled my garden as all the snow in that space had melted. Even the earthworms and night crawlers were up as the frost has come out of the ground. A couple hours ago I took the header picture from our front deck. I won’t be planting seeds today. It’s still snowing.Continue reading “Nibbles and Sips Storm-sided”

Nature Reaching and Preaching

Stepping outside before daylight a couple days ago an eerie feeling came over me. I couldn’t place it until later in the day. I stood beside the lake and it was completely froze over. Silence. All was quiet. The last two weeks the lake was full of very noisy swans, geese, ducks and some cranesContinue reading “Nature Reaching and Preaching”

Combined Beauty pageant

Sunday thought: God combined fall and winter. I think He loves creative beauty and wants us to enjoy those moments. Even the micro fleeting beauty of a reflection in a raindrop can be enjoyed should we pause to do so. A pause to enjoy gives us pause to delve deeper into who our creator isContinue reading “Combined Beauty pageant”

A Good Interruption Solution?

I freely admit that I don’t mind most interruptions. I plan for them. If I don’t get one I make one myself. Not on purpose mind you, it must be a subliminal signal from within when the light turns green and it’s time. Most of you do it too (I hope someone can relate!?) ItContinue reading “A Good Interruption Solution?”

Outside Of Time

I have been gone. A small group of us canoed and portaged lakes and rivers away from knowing what time it is, internet wrangling, home, warm showers, soft beds, cars and most forms of communication to the rest of the world. Do smoke signals from the camp fire count? The wilderness is it’s own entityContinue reading “Outside Of Time”

Cabin Fever Withdrawal

Expectations and reality. A good example of what it isn’t was sent to me by a friend who is getting a bit off kilter. “Day 12 without chocolate; lost hearing in left eye”. I passed it on to another friend who said “That’s it exactly!” I sent them both a number to call for aContinue reading “Cabin Fever Withdrawal”

North Country Spring

I realized it was spring this morning when I looked out the window and saw patches of ground growing in the snow. Five squirrels ran by the woods edge as one of them was saying he remembers where he buried some nuts. The lake ice is holding all the snow melt so I had toContinue reading “North Country Spring”