Ghosts In Frame

I will admit my impulses are not always thought through completely. When I decided to capture pictures of ghosts at a local lake as a prank, I should have known the pandoras box possibilities. Consider my reasoning here as if I was influenced by our present culture.

I don’t believe in ghosts so if one or more gets in the picture, its not real. This allows me to prank people who think they are (this is not even a strange sentence in our present culture)

I decided the ultimate prank possibility would be a “haunted” lake shore area known to spook people who were susceptable to this kind of thing. The rains quit, the dark clouds hung around, the sun was trying to peek out and highlight some clouds on the way out so I grabbed my camera and went.

what do you think happened?

Aside from getting photo bombed by three friendlies it’s a nice picture. The wild rice is ready for harvest, an eerie calm after the rains came and it looks like I can land my boat there.

I did get some strange calls though. You would think people would know better.


Meanwhile I have been fishing alone. I get it, people are busy. I did find out that one picture can create a thousand words or more. No, I did not photoshop this picture. No, I only clicked the shutter once, this is how it turned out. No, I will not let you know the location.


PS: I thought this might create some discussion on how we arrive at what we believe to be true. If you knew me really well you would know what happened to get this picture. It’s a good (??) Discussion starter. Its worked for me.

how did I keep them away? I met them halfway…see

Published by Gary Fultz

Outdoors Man, Hunter, Fisherman, Guide, Writer / Author, Photographer, Public Speaker, Musician, Song Writer, Story Teller, Follower Of Jesus. Love God and family and total strangers

44 thoughts on “Ghosts In Frame

  1. I don’t know enough about digital photography to even start to know how you did this. But it’s pretty cool, Gary! I do know it’s not right that you’re fishing by yourself lately. I wish I lived closer to Northern Minnesota. I’d invite myself along.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks David, I would sure take you fishing. I’m saving up some fillets for a nice neighborhood fish fry. A nice get together is coming. As far as the how to of the picture I’m keeping it a mystry for awhile. It is fun to figure out concept pictures without using a computer to hack the picture.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Somebody asked me which 3 guys helped me with the shot. I told them I was alone. I also told them if I thought they were real I would have been out of there. He just laughed and said “l doubt it, you ain’t afraid of nothin”. I had to agree with him. I also had to tell him how I took the picture so he would go fishing with me next time down there. I think he believes the picture more than me though. Aye..

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Of course, those of us who are reeeeally smart can appreciate your decision to distance yourself from claiming that you captured actual pics of ghosts. You need your fishing buds, so you have to “claim” these are fake photos.
    I wonder if you put them on instagram how many others may have seen the ghosts by the lake!? We know they reeeally hang around there! 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very very true Kathy. The stories and superstitions of the lake take a back seat to Gods continuous life giving presence of living creation. Loons, swans and many species of ducks line the wild rice and reeds. Fish continuously splash in the rice and the sunrises and sets are like God’s words saying “It is good”
      I am often the only one on the water

      Liked by 2 people

  3. As an image, the photo that comes before the text grabs me.  Balance w/o symmetry.  Bright but subtle color.

    As a puzzle, how U got the ghosts w/o multiple exposures or photo editing would also grab me, if yard work did not have first dibs on me for the rest of today.  Maybe it’s a matter of seeing partial internal reflections while looking thru a remarkably clean pane of glass?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, I was trying hard to get a good profile picture overlooking lake Superior from an overlook by the cabin…it didn’t work so i ended up with me drinking coffee on the porch…sigh. Coffee was good, View exceptional. subject matter…old guy.

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  4. Reblogged this on Mitch Teemley and commented:
    My Featured Blogger this week is Gary Fultz, outdoorsman and photographer, “lover of God and family and total strangers.” Gary’s beautiful nature photography alone should be enough to draw you to his site, but be sure to stick around for his stories, humor and insights, as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the award Mitch. You are kind with your words. I had promised myself when I started this blogging adventure that I would at least visit all the sites that gave me a “like” or a “comment”.
      I’m still doing it and I see you do (not sure how), but it was easier when six people acknowledged the blogs existence.

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  5. This is really cool! I don’t know how you did it, but I have a guess. I’ll ask my son who is in photography and see if I’m right. Otherwise-you have some beautiful shots and your sense of humor did bring a smile.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So true Hamish, the longer we pause the more we see. I believe it is the same with meditating on God’s word or to just sit and talk with someone without thinking of what we are going to say next, but really listen. Really see. really feel…

      Liked by 1 person

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